
17 September 2024


IFU invests USD 20 million in Redcliffe Labs, India, with the aim of reaching 10 million patients annually within five years, improving public health.

IFU is excited to announce a landmark investment of USD 20 million into Redcliffe Labs, a leading provider of diagnostics services in India. The significant funding will support Redcliffe Labs’ ambitious goal to increase access to affordable, high-quality diagnostic services throughout India.

Timely and accurate diagnosis is fundamental to ensuring effective treatment of health conditions and improved human health. With longer life expectancy, a higher health awareness and a shifting disease burden towards non-communicable diseases (NCDs), India’s healthcare system faces significant capacity challenges.

Reaching 10 million people annually
IFU’s investment will enable Redcliffe to reach 10 million patients annually within five years, expanding its network and services significantly. Additionally, the funds will support Redcliffe in doubling the number of NABL-accredited laboratories, enhancing the quality and reliability of diagnostic services available to patients.

A major component of the growth strategy will focus on increasing the company’s presence in Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 cities. This expansion is crucial for ensuring that underserved patients of India gain improved access to essential diagnostic services.

Raising awareness to change healthcare in India
“We view healthcare as more than just an investment sector – it’s a fundamental pillar in our strategy to drive meaningful social impact. Redcliffe’s innovative approach to diagnostics has the potential to touch millions of lives, bringing essential health services to previously underserved communities. This aligns perfectly with our mission to support businesses that create lasting positive change. We’re not just investing in a company; we’re investing in a healthier, more equitable future for India. The ripple effects of improved healthcare access can be profound – from increased productivity to stronger communities – and we’re excited to be part of this journey with Redcliffe Labs,” said Emil Sierczynski, Investment Director, IFU.

“Our aim is to democratise access to high-quality, affordable, accurate diagnostics for every Indian, with a particular focus on the underserved populations in Tier 2 and 3 cities. This funding round is not just a financial milestone; it’s a catalyst for transformative change in India’s healthcare landscape. With this raise, we’re poised to increase accessibility to advanced diagnostic services across the nation with a commitment to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to take charge of their health. By bringing cutting-edge diagnostics to the doorsteps of millions, we’re nurturing a healthier Bharat.”

Aditya Kandoi, Founder & CEO, Redcliffe Labs

For more information about Redcliffe Labs and their services, please visit