

machines are used for treatment
patients served annually
dialysis treatments

DCDC supports the National Dialysis Program by offering affordable dialysis treatment and setting up clinics.

More than one million people in India suffer from severe kidney disease requiring dialysis treatment, and the number is growing. To increase access to affordable dialysis treatment, the Indian government has launched a National Dialysis Program aiming at setting up dialysis clinics across India in collaboration with private operators.

Most of DCDC Kidney Care’s more than 100 clinics are run as shop-in-shop within the premises of public hospitals and provide dialysis treatment to patients primarily targeting the economically weaker section of the Indian population. The business is carried out under a public-private partnership (PPP) with the local state governments.

Launched the DCDC Academy of Healthcare
The social dimension is an integral part of DCDC’s business model, and the company regularly organises training and awareness programmes for both patients and medical professionals promoting best-practice prevention and treatment of kidney disease. The company has also launched the DCDC Academy of Healthcare to cater to the demand for skilled technicians within its field.

“Across all investments, our goal is to contribute to a just and inclusive economy. The investment in DCDC Kidney Care is a perfect match as the company provides essential medical care to economically weaker people with a life-threatening disease. We are pleased to partner with DCDC, a well-run company with a clear purpose, and look forward to actively supporting its clear growth and impact trajectory.”

Emil Sierczynski, Senior Investment Manager at IFU.

Investment year: 2020
SDG Investment: DKK 70m
Expected total investment: DKK 109m

  • Access to healthcare services

    More will achieve access to quality services and mortality from noncommunicable diseases will be reduced.